At hrdiamonds, it is not only important to us to pass on our knowledge to our customers, for example through trainings, but we also attach great importance to our own continuous professional development.
To this end, we bring in external experts who inspire us with new content in seminars and give us a space to combine this knowledge with our previous experiences. We recently completed an exciting seminar on non-violent communication according to Marshall Rosenberg - a valuable enrichment for our work.
On the other hand, we also encourage internal exchange. With our “Learning Nuggets”, we create a format in which hrdiamonds experts share their knowledge within the team. These small, regular sessions offer us the opportunity to learn from one another, exchange ideas and integrate what we have learned directly into our day-to-day work.
How do you organize learning and exchange in your organizations? What spaces do you use for internal learning?
Thanks to Ulrike Jung, who held our last Learning Nugget on the exciting topic of “Psychological Safety”! More to follow ...