Equal Pay Day marks the day until which women - compared to men - have worked without pay. This year, it falls on February 13, 2025. Unfortunately it is still a reality that women and men are paid unequally for work of equal value.
According to STATISTIK AUSTRIA, the income gap is currently 12.18% - or in other words: women work 44 days a year without pay, which corresponds to around one in eight working years.
Even if Equal Pay Day now takes place one day earlier than in 2024, this is only minimal progress. If things continue at this pace, it would take until 2080 (!!) to achieve true equal pay. To illustrate this: a person born today and beginning to work at around 20 years of age would only experience equality after 35 years of work.
Particularly interesting: it makes a difference where women work. According to wage tax data from STATISTIK AUSTRIA, the income gap in Vienna is 4.3% (Equal Pay Day: January 16), while in Vorarlberg it is 20% - the equivalent of 73 days of unpaid work (Equal Pay Day: March 14).
As a women-led company, this topic is particularly important to us. We are convinced that every organization has a responsibility to create fair and transparent structures. Because equal pay for work of equal value is not a “good will” - it is a right.