What Options Are There for Working With Teams?

For more than 16 years, we have been supporting teams on their way to better collaboration, greater efficiency and sustainable success. In the process, we have gained valuable experience and continuously developed our expertise. In our last video, we talked about why team development and team workshops are so indispensable. But what exactly does this work with teams actually look like in [...]
Why Are Team Development and Team Workshops So Indispensable?

Derzeit erleben wir eine stark wachsende Nachfrage nach Teamentwicklungen und Workshops – aber was macht sie so entscheidend und relevant? Wir begleiten Organisationen seit vielen Jahren dabei, ihre Teams zu stärken und weiterzuentwickeln. Unsere Expertise in der professionellen Unterstützung haben wir kontinuierlich ausgebaut, um Teams optimal zu unterstützen. In diesem kurzen Video teilen unsere Berater […]
The Best Part of Our Work #insidehrdiamonds

What do you really enjoy about your job? We asked our consultants Benjamin Dittmoser-Pfeifer, Anna Obkircher, Barbara Horak, Martin Petter and Cristina Branca precisely this question. Things can get really busy for us, especially in autumn, as we have a lot of projects at the same time. And yet we know exactly why we do this work and [...]
What Makes Our Team Special? #insidehrdiamonds

These weeks are particularly exciting for us: on Monday we celebrated a wonderful event with our families and next week we are going on summer retreat. With so many great moments, you might wonder what actually makes our team so special. Thanks to Martin Petter, Vincent Paulischin and Stine Jung for [...]
New Work Weeks at hrdiamonds #insidehrdiamonds

The “New Work Weeks” are just around the corner at hrdiamonds! In the coming weeks, we will be focusing intensively on the topic of new ways of work on LinkedIn and Co.: How do we live the “New Way of Work” at hrdiamonds? What innovative working models can be found in our company? What valuable tips are there for working productively in […]
How Can You Flourish in Your Work? #insidehrdiamonds

Following our report on the successful PERMA-Lead® program at Wiener Stadtwerke, today we return to the fascinating topic of positive psychology in the workplace. In today's #insidehrdiamonds video, our consultant Anna Obkircher shares briefly what it takes to thrive in the workplace and introduces the PERMA-Lead® model by Dr. Markus Ebner. Reflect afterwards: […]
The Sparkle at hrdiamonds #insidehrdiamonds

Our company name contains the precious diamond - and as we all know, diamonds sparkle beautifully. But what does this "sparkle" mean for our work and our team? Doris Weyer, Ulrike Jung and Manuela Hawelka answer this question in today's #insidehrdiamonds video. What is the "sparkle" in your work for you? Where do you feel passion and […]
Our Big Why #insidehrdiamonds

A deeper sense of purpose is not only important in private life, but is also crucial in corporate culture. Having a clear purpose, a clear WHY is essential to enable fulfilling and meaningful work for yourself, your employees and the entire company. In our new #insidehrdiamonds video, managing partners Doris Weyer […]
Video Series #insidehrdiamonds

The time has come! We are pleased to announce that today we are officially launching our brand new video series "INSIDE hrdiamonds". In the coming months, you can expect a fascinating insight into the diverse world of hrdiamonds and you will have the opportunity to get to know our consultants even better from a wide variety of perspectives. In this video series, we […]
15 Years Company Anniversary: An Unforgettable Team Retreat In Grado!

To celebrate this milestone, we made our way to Grado for our annual team retreat - and what a fantastic time we had! The days were filled with valuable moments of exchange about current and future projects. We shared our visions and goals […]