Training Course - Management Development

We currently have the pleasure of supporting a large number of companies in various industries and developing managers throughout Austria. One of these companies is MediaPrint, where we have been supporting the development of their managers since the middle of last year as part of their Training Course (“LERNgang”). MediaPrint's managers have the opportunity to deepen their skills and knowledge in various areas such as leadership, communication and […]

Happy Easter and an Active April

Easter is just around the corner and the team at hrdiamonds would like to use the holidays as an opportunity to give you a little insight into our office kitchen: every month we have the latest edition of the "Action for Happiness" calendar, which gives us a small task every day to promote more happiness for ourselves and others. […]

Back to the Office

BACK TO THE OFFICE We kicked off 2023 on Monday with our annual kick-off meeting! The joy of the new IT equipment and presentation case was almost as great as the joy of seeing each other again! We are looking forward to a year together, as this is a very special one for hrdiamonds - more on this soon.

Liveable work for all

If you're wondering what's been going on at our company this summer, you're about to get your answer: This year, as part of our annual team retreat, we took a close look at the question "What does working mean in times like these?" Thanks to our work with companies from a wide variety of industries, we also learn about […]

The Dream of Flow and Flourishing*

The Dream of Flow and Flourishing* A Declaration of Love to Positive Psychology In our last blog post, we actually were in search of reasons why positive psychology can be annoying. You can read about it here: link to previous blog post. At first glance, positive psychology can come across as superficial, self-centered and detached beauty. Through our research, we have gotten to know this beauty better and […]

Is It Okay That Positive Psychology Gets on Your Nerves?

Is It Okay That Positive Psychology Gets on Your Nerves? A categorization for all those who roll their eyes at the approach It seems that many companies are in positive psychology fever. Wherever you listen, problems become challenges and disappointments become learning fields. We look for our parts in uncomfortable situations and strive for meaning and happiness. As consultants, […]

Leading in the Virtual Space

In the latest issue of the magazine for Austrian managers entitled "Decision-makers are indispensable" („Entscheidungsträger sind unverzichtbar“) you will find an article about Martin Petter, HR developer, trainer and coach at hrdiamonds. In his webinar on "Virtual Leadership - Leading in virtual space", Martin Petter took a closer look at the special features of everyday virtual leadership and provided the participants with impulses and inspiration with regard to the increasing decentralized work trends.
