15 Years hrdiamonds

2023 is a special year in the history of hrdiamonds.
We are celebrating "15 years hrdiamonds"!

This would not have been possible without our team, our loyal companions, and great customers.
We would therefore like to celebrate our anniversary with you throughout the year and share our pride and joy.

Around the 15th of each month, we would like to invite you to various activities to honor the journey we have made together.
We have come up with various interactive, inspiring and surprising events lasting 2-4 hours.

You can decide which events you would like to register for and let us know by 31 January at Lilian.leitner@hrdiamonds, as there are limited spots at some events - "first come first serve".

Let our program inspire, entertain and enrich you.
We look forward to spending time together!


February 15 - Kickoff Event:
"How Much Gender Do We Need - Still?" including a special extra: "How It All Began with hrdiamonds"..
Dialogue together with Prof. Dr. Sabine T. Köszegi, expert in gender research and Chairwoman of the Austrian Council for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

March 15:
The Art in Counseling.
Visit to the current exhibition at the Albertina der Moderne including a guided tour and subsequent reflection discussions as a coaching approach.

April 13:
In vino veritas.
The similarities between wine and consulting are highlighted during a wine tasting.

May 15:
Bited-Sized Learning: The Sience Behind Digestible Virtual Training Nibbles
Virtual event with micro-learning specialist Code of Talent.

June 15:
City Bound – The City as a Playing Field for Team Development
We work our way through the city with Ann-Kathrin Brener: expert in group processes, coach and supervisor.

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