HR Inside Summit

Letzte Woche waren Doris Weyer und Lilian Leitner auf dem HR Inside Summit in der Wiener Hofburg, der dieses Jahr sein 10-jähriges Jubiläum feierte. Unter dem Motto ‚von ganzem HRzen‘ brachte die Veranstaltung einmal mehr die Begeisterung und Leidenschaft für das Personalwesen auf den Punkt. Es gab spannende Keynotes, praxisnahe Sessions und jede Menge interessante Aussteller:innen, die innovative Ideen präsentierten.

It was particularly nice to meet long-standing customers, partners and friends again. We took away with us a lot of new inspirations and came back full of ideas and zest for action. It was a great event all round, which once again showed us how lively and dynamic the HR industry is.

For us, HR is more than just a job - it's an affair of the heart, because working with and for people is at the center of what we do. The Summit showed us once again how important it is to continue to develop and shape the future of the world of work together. We have returned full of new ideas and energy - from all our heart.

Many thanks to Victoria Schmied and Sindy Amadei for this great event and congratulations on the 10th anniversary.




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